Open a Support Ticket

Before asking your question, please make sure:

  • You have read the documentation provided

  • Searched the answer within our FAQ articles and the comment section of the product page

  • Make sure you have the latest version installed.

To ensure a prompt and effective response, please provide the following details when submitting a support ticket:

  • Purchase Code: Required for all non-presale questions.

  • Page Link: Share a link to the page where you’re experiencing the issue.

  • Temporary WP Admin Login: If you’re encountering bugs or need help integrating the plugin, provide temporary admin credentials. Double-check the login details before submitting—seriously!

  • Clear Problem Description: Include steps to reproduce the issue.

  • Screenshots: A picture is worth a thousand words—show us the problem!

  • WordPress Debug Log: If unexpected issues arise, include your debug log.

  • Additional Information: Anything else you think might help us understand the issue better.

All information you share is kept strictly confidential and will never be shared with third parties.

Last updated