
The built-in Webhooks feature provides an easy way to automate notifications based on events logged by the plugin. When enabled, the plugin sends a detailed JSON object to a specified listener URL, containing all relevant information about the logged event.

You can activate Webhook functionality via the Statistics tab under Log EventsWebhook Endpoint URL. This allows you to stay updated on plugin activities and seamlessly integrate with other systems.

Available events types

useyourdrive_previewed_entry useyourdrive_edited_entry useyourdrive_downloaded_entry useyourdrive_streamed_entry useyourdrive_created_link_to_entry useyourdrive_renamed_entry useyourdrive_deleted_entry useyourdrive_created_entry useyourdrive_updated_description useyourdrive_updated_metadata useyourdrive_moved_entry useyourdrive_uploaded_entry useyourdrive_uploaded_failed useyourdrive_searched useyourdrive_sent_notification useyourdrive_error

Example Data

  "total": 1,
  "events": [
      "timestamp": "2022-05-01T00:05:00+00:00",
      "type": "useyourdrive_previewed_entry",
      "description": "John Johnson previewed the file UK Festival Market Report.pdf",
      "data": {
        "entry": {
          "id": "1-y9psKPDJCycz38c2sN_a3lRoO9S",
          "name": "UK Festival Market Report.pdf",
          "mimetype": "application/pdf",
          "size": "2 MB",
          "icon": "https://...",
          "description": "Festival Insights and the UK Festival Awards are proud to release the UK Festival Market Report 2017.",
          "thumbnail": "https://...",
          "preview_url": "https://...",
          "download_url": "https://...",
          "is_dir": false,
          "parent_id": "0By3zfuC9ZTdGZCT1pUd0E",
          "parent_path": "/Path/To/Folder"
        "account": {
          "id": "1030123322434145",
          "name": "Your Account name",
          "email": "info@example.com",
          "image": "https://..."
      "user": {
        "id": "3",
        "user_login": "John Johnson",
        "user_nicename": "john-johnson",
        "user_email": "info@example.com",
        "display_name": "John Johnson"
      "page": "https://yoursite.com/page"
        "timestamp": "2022-05-01T00:05:01+00:00",
        "type": "useyourdrive_deleted_entry",

Example listener (PHP)

// Optional: Prevent replay attacks by ensuring this request has been signed
// recently (+/- 5 minutes). The request timestamp is in ms!
$time_difference = abs((time() - intval($_SERVER['HTTP_X_WPCP_TIMESTAMP'])) / 1000);

if ($time_difference > 300) {
  exit('Invalid request timestamp');

// Calculate challenge hash by concatenating the request timestamp with the
// webhook secret with a semicolon in between: "timestamp;secret".
// Hash is created with SHA256 encoded as hexdecimal lowercase string.
$secret = 'your_secret';
$challenge = hash('sha256', $req_timestamp.';'.$secret);

// Calculate request body signature using the challenge hash as secret.
// Signature is a HMAC SHA256 hash encoded as hexdecimal lowercase string.
$req_raw_body = file_get_contents('php://input');
$expected_signature = 'sha256='.hash_hmac('sha256', $req_raw_body, $challenge);

// Compare expected with received signature.
$req_signature = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_WPCP_SIGNATURE'];

if ($expected_signature !== $req_signature) {
  exit('Invalid signature');

// Finally, parse the JSON request body and process the received events.
$data = json_decode($req_raw_body, true);

Last updated