Personal Folders
Configure global settings for Personal Folders, including automatic folder creation during user registration for seamless user-specific content management.
Global settings for AUTO-mode
These settings are used for all modules with automatically linked Personal Folders, unless otherwise specified.
Create Personal Folders on registration
Automatically create Personal Folders for a user after they register on the site.
Create all Personal Folders the 1st time a module is used (1)
Create Personal Folders when a module with Personal Folders is first used.
Update Personal Folders name after profile update
Automatically update the Personal Folder name when a user updates their profile.
Delete Personal Folders after deleting WP User
Remove the user's Personal Folder when their WordPress account is deleted.
Share Personal Folder with user
Add the user's email to the sharing permissions of their cloud folder, allowing direct access through the cloud.
Name Template (2)
Template for naming Personal Folders automatically.
Name Template Prefix for anonymous users
Prefix for Personal Folders created for anonymous users (default is "Guests - "). Modify this to suit your needs.
(1) It is not recommended for sites with many users due to the 1-second creation time per folder.
(2) You can use Placeholders inside the Name Template setting.
Global settings for MANUAL-mode
This section controls the settings for manually linked modules, such as the message displayed when a user does not have access yet.
"Access Forbidden" Notice
Message displayed when a user visits a module with the Personal Folders feature set to 'Manual' mode when they don't have a Personal Folder linked to their account
You can manually link users to their Personal Folder via the [Personal Folders] menu.
Personal Folders in Internal modules
This section controls only the personal folders of the plugin's internal modules. Use it to restrict access to File Browsers in the admin dashboard and shortcode builder.
This setting only restricts access to the plugin's internal modules. To enable personal folders for modules on your site, use the module's configuration panel
Enable Personal Folders in Internal modules
Use Personal Folders in the Module Configurator and Back-End File Browser of the plugin.
Last updated