
Customize the visual design and layout of the module

Settings displayed in the Module Configurator depend on the type of module you have selected.

File Browser


File Browser view

Select Grid/Thumbnail view or List view.

— Display filename on hover (Grid View)

Display the file names in the thumbnail view only when hovering over the file. When disabled, the file names and actions will be displayed directly under the file. On touch devices, it will always displayed.

— Show quick preview button (List View)

Allow the user to see thumbnail of a file when hovering over an quick preview button.

Allow switching between views

Should the user be allowed to change the view via the module on the Front-End?

Show folder tree

Display a folder tree for easier navigation.

Show file extension

Show file size

Show last modified date


Show file names

Display or Hide the file names in the gallery.

Descriptions always visible

The description will appear on hover by default. When this setting is enabled it will always be visible.

Image row height

The ideal height you want your grid rows to be. The module will slightly adjusts the row height to fit the images in the masonary grid.


Space between images. You can use pixels or percentages. For instance: 0px, 10px, 1vw, 2% or clamp(1px, 1vw, 20px).

Border radius

The roundness of the image corners in pixels (px). Leave empty for default value.


Slider Layout


Slide height

The height of your slides. You can use pixels or percentages. For instance: 360px, 50vh, 70%.

Slide padding

Space between slides (in "px"). Cannot yet be used in combination with Auto size setting.

Slides in viewport

Number of slides being displayed in the viewport at the same time.

Slide placement

Arrangement of the slides. Arrange the slides in a row (horizontal) or column (vertical).

Centred slides

Center the active slide in the viewport.

Auto size

If enabled, the dimensions of each slide are its natural dimensions. If disabled, all slides will be the same size and the image will cover the slide.

Slide Content


Show last modified date

Display the last modified date of the item.

Show file names

Display or Hide the file names in the slider item.

Show descriptions

Display descriptions in the slide if available.

— Description position

Select the way in which the description is to be displayed.

Slider Navigation


Show dots

Navigate through the slides using the dots below the slider.

Show arrows

Navigate through the slides using arrows above the slider.

Slides per animation

Number of slides going on with one next click.

Animation duration

Speed of the slide animation.


Toggles the automatic change of slides.

— Delay between slides

Delay between cycles in milliseconds. Defaults to 5000.

— Pause on hover

Stops sliding on mouseover.

— Direction

Direction of slide movement.

Audio Player & Media Player


Video aspect ratio

Select the aspect ratio of your videos. The height of the video player will be set accordingly.

Auto Play

Start the media directly when the module is rendered.

Mediaplayer Buttons

Set which buttons (if supported) should be visible in the mediaplayer.

Enable Video Advertisements

Supports VAST XML advertisments to offer monetization options for your videos. Currently, only Linear MP4 elements are supported.

Show Playlist

— Playlist open on start

Display the playlist directly when the module is rendered.

— Playlist opens on top of player

Display the playlist above the video container.

— Playlist autoplay

Automatically start the next item in playlist once current one is finished.

— Playlist loop

Restart the playlist as soon as it is finished.

— Display thumbnails

Add thumbnails for the items in the playlist.

— Show last modified date

Display the last modified date in the playlist.

— Link to webshop

Display a purchase button for your media by adding an url to your webshop.



Default click behavior

Select what should happen when you click on a file.



Aspect ratio

Select the aspect ratio for the iFrames. You can set the width of the module container in the Module Container section, and the height will be set accordingly.

Embed Type

What type of embedding should the document have?

Show file name

Show the file name of the document above the iFrame.

Direct media display

You can display audio, video and image files directly, without having to embed them in an iframe.


Show Thumbnails

Show thumbnails of the files inside the Lightbox.

Image Source

Select the source of the images. Large thumbnails load fast, original files will take some time to load.


Navigate through your documents in the inline preview. Disable when each document should be shown individually without navigation arrows

Open Lightbox on page load

Automatically open the lightbox immediately after the module has loaded the content.

Enable Slideshow

Automatically start the Slideshow mode when the lightbox is opened.

— Delay between slides

Delay between cycles in milliseconds. Defaults to 5000.


Show header

Display a header that shows the folder location and action buttons.

Show refresh button

Add a refresh button in the header so users can refresh the data in the module and pull changes.

Show breadcrumb

Display the breadcrumb with the current folder location.

— — Use custom name for home folder

Instead of using the original top folder name, set a custom "Home" or "Start" text for the top folder in the breadcrumb path. This is useful if you do not want to reveal the top folder name.

— — Custom text for the top folder

Set a custom text for the top folder in the breadcrumb folder path. For example: "Home" or "Start".

Module Container


Module Width

Set maximum width for the plugin container. You can use pixels or percentages. For instance: 360px, 48vw, 70%.

Module Height

Set maximum height for the plugin container. You can use pixels or percentages. For instance: 360px, 50vh, 70%.

Theme style

Set the color theme to be used for this module. This will override the global theme style set on the plugin's main options page.

Module ID

Give this module a specific id. You can use this ID to target this module via your own CSS or JS code, for example.

Custom CSS Classes

Add your own custom classes to the plugin container. Multiple classes can be added seperated by a whitespace.

Scroll to Top

Allow the user to quickly access the breadcrumb, folders and header actions by using the 'return to the top' button in the module.

Last updated